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8/1/2017 5:08:42 PM

the way you handled the character transfer from a technical perspective was terrible

I can understand the level 20 and quest limitation, that makes sense because you want to weed out all the level 2 characters people made that are clogging up the servers, but the fact that people can't migrate characters between systems since everyone's starting on equal footing (ps3 player here) and are not bothering to transfer over legacy console players (again, ps3 player here who was considering maybe getting a ps4 at some point for among other things, destiny 2) with little to no warning that players would have to find a friend with a next gen console (which is a nightmare in the uk because EVERYONE has an xbox because their friend has an xbox) and then sign into it (which I didn't know about since I assumed you'd have transferred them over since there's not exactly a huge intensive for players to jump over to next gen for a slightly prettier version of destiny 1 compared to a fancy new sequel in destiny 2, thanks for killing my zombie robot guardian bungie) was all around terrible and poorly handled.

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