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впервые опубликовано в: I want each of you to give me ten good reasons
7/29/2017 2:40:44 AM
Here are some important questions to ask yourself before you decide whether or not to go through with the shoe-eating process: Would you like them here or there? Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse? Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox? Would you? Could you? In a car? [spoiler]Eat them! Eat them! Here they are.[/spoiler] You may like them. You will see. You may like them in a tree! A train! A train! A train! A train! Could you, would you, on a train? Say! In the dark? Here in the dark! Would you, could you, in the dark? Would you, could you, in the rain? Could you, would you, with a goat? Would you, could you, on a boat? Hope this helps!

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