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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
6/23/2017 10:13:19 AM

D1 exclusives should be brought to D2

So I'm tired of this BS with the exclusives. What's the point of bringing the exclusives to D1 a month AFTER D2 releases? I'm already pissed about the TTK exclusives being delayed an extra YEAR and sheer quantity of D2 exclusives. It's already retarded that something would be made exclusive for over a year but to make that content irrelevant after it has finally been brought over? Bullshit. So yeah, thanks for killing the hype for me. Ain't buying D2 until you learn how to treat your customers. The least you could do is bring over the exclusives to D2. And if there are other players who feel the same way, -blam!-ing boycott the shit out of this game and its shady business practices.

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  • [quote]So I'm tired of this BS with the exclusives. [/quote] We all are, so stop bitching about them. [quote]What's the point of bringing the exclusives to D1 a month AFTER D2 releases?[/quote] The point is that Exclusivity runs out in October. They can't legally release the content before then. [quote]I'm already pissed about the TTK exclusives being delayed an extra YEAR and sheer quantity of D2 exclusives. It's already retarded that something wouldblahblahblah.[/quote] Congratulations. You've played your part perfectly. This is the purpose behind Exclusivity Agreements. To prove that one is above and beyond another. And by boycotting D2 on XB1, Sony's Exclusivity bargaining power gets stronger. +1 for still not getting it even after the initial one-year-delay.

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