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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
6/17/2017 3:05:08 AM

SEVENTH COLUMN!!! (Stormcaller Super) ... wait ... You're only giving me a Slayer Medal???

Yep. That's a Seventh Column!


No. That's just 7 fast kills in a single super.


i was having a pretty cool match earlier, and in it i got 7 kills in a single stormtrance super SEVENTH COLUMN!! - - or so i thought my first 3 kills are in one area my second 4 kills are in another at the end of the clip it only gave me a SLAYER medal, not even a REAPER ...this is a mathematical impossibility though, for a few reasons : A) A Slayer medal would have counted at least one of my kills from the first 3 batch. B) I got a triple Medal from the first 3 batch C) I got a 5 Kill medal from the first of the second 4 batch D) i slowed down the time of the kills so you can see that me, EssAndEmm, got all 7 kills in a single super without any assists, including all medals along the way (minus SEVENTH COLUMN!!) see for yourself [url=]Video Proof (if not showing up automatically)[/url]

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