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Изменено (Minerva2682): 6/1/2017 2:05:03 AM

Stupid questions Theists ask Atheists.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against any person who is part of any religion. You can worship the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care, but in some cases there are extremely idiotic questions that I, as an atheist, have been asked. Question 1: Why do you hate God? Answer: Oh boy, we're starting out rough​. Atheists do not believe in God, or any god, by definition. Question 2: Do you worship Satan? Answer: See above. This was asked to me multiple times when debating a Christian my age at school. It essentially went like this: C: So do you worship Satan? Me: No, I do not worship anything C:So, why do you worship Satan? Me: I don't. This went on for about three or four times. Question 3: You worship science, so you can't be an atheist Answer: No atheists worship science, nor do they believe in it. They accept ideas and theories within science. Question 4: Why are there monkeys if we evolved from monkeys? Answer: I'm no biologist, but this one is very simple to answer if you've ever taken a 7th grade science class. We did not evolve from monkeys, but we have a common ancestor with them. Also, this has nothing to do with atheism whatsoever. Question 5: The Atheist's Nightmare (literally a banana) Answer: If you haven't seen the infamous Ray Comfort video where he claims that the banana is perfectly formed to fit the human hand, I recommend you see it even if you are a theist. It's hilarious if you can get the almost sexual undertones it has. The shape, color, and texture of a banana is the result of natural selection and by humans having genetically modified them over many years. Question 6: What evidence do you have to prove there isn't a god? Answer: The burden of proof is not on the Atheist, but rather the Theist. Evidence does not need to be made to disprove something when it is not proven in the first place. Question 7: Everything is proof of God's existence Answer: This is extremely untrue, as if this were to be an accepted argument( it isn't) then the universe could be proof of an inflatable pink unicorn that lives on the moon and shoots lasers out of it's eyes to make things. Science has reasonable explanations for almost everything in the universe If you have any more crazy questions, or a few questions about atheism yourself, then please comment below. Have a good day. Edit: Thank you for the kind words and intellectual discussion!

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