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впервые опубликовано в:The Ashen Conflux
впервые опубликовано в: The Cabal Create A Star!
5/22/2017 2:09:01 PM
One slight problem. Where does the mass for this star come from? Our own star comprises something like 97% of the solar system mass, Jupiter about 1 or 2%. Leaving just over 1% for all the other planets and rocks. Saying a planet has enough energy to create a star because of E=MC2 is just plain wrong. Ok you could create an explosion with a huge output IF you could convert all it's mass to energy but that would be incredibly brief. For it to be a star it would have be undergoing fusion which means it needs an abundance of hydrgen (1st stage for a star) it has to be enough to for gravity to cause the atoms to undergo fusion converting hydrogen into helium(I'm sure that someone has worked out the minimum mass needed for an m class star but I don't know what it is). Our sun goes through 600000000 tons of Hydrogen every second. It's simply not possible to create a star from a planet or moon. Not only do they lack the mass but also the correct elements.

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