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5/14/2017 6:46:02 PM

I just got Overwatch and have some questions.

So, my friend bought me Overwatch for my birthday and I know its pretty cool game but I am confused about some things and am turning on you veterans. 1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play? 2. What are the gamemodes? 3. How to progress in game and what are rewards? 4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI? 5. How to best combine teams? Thanks for all your anwers! [spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler]

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  • [quote].1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play?[/quote] Quick Play is a one defense/attack game where you are free to leave and join, with the only penalty being, leaving too many games constantly will cut your experience by 75% for 20 games or so. Quick Play is the mode you go to for fun, practice, and just something to do. There's no competition and it gives you a feel for the maps. Quick Play also requires Attacking team to fully escort the payload for a win while Defense team prevents that. On control point maps, such as Oasis, Lijiang Tower, and Nepal, you have to capture and hold the point twice for a win. Competitive Game mode is the same in most aspects but with different rule sets and is to be taken more seriously than quick play. Competive is also divided into seasons of 3 months. Competitive has 10 placement matches that will dictate where you belong. You can gain rank and lose rank. The only way to gain rank is to win. Players lose rank by quitting or losing. You will play with the same players until the match is over. If someone leaves you will not get a replacement. Players can rejoin the match if they have disconnected by accident. Players who quit have until the match is over before they can play anything after. Overall Competitive is the same except when it comes to winning. On Escort maps: >Players take turns escorting the payload as far as they can or to the end. >If both players escort the payload to the final checkpoint you will have to play 2 more rounds to see who can push the payload the furthest. The only way to draw this game is make it to the end both times in overtime. It is incredibly rare these matches end in draws. On Control/Escort maps: >Players both have an attack and defense phase where they must capture the first point and then escort the payload as far as they can. >If both players escort the payload to the end, players will go into the tiebreaker. >Often times the team that made it there in overtime will not get any chance to attack, only defend. >The attacking team must capture 33% of the point to win in tiebreaker. If the other team finished in overtime. >If both teams make it with time left they will get a chance to attack. Teams that had less than 1 minute, such as 30 seconds, will be given more time to capture the point. >Players win by either capturing more of the point (33%, 66% or 100%) or escorting the payload the furthest. >Draws are common on this On Capture the Objective: >To win you have to capture the point and hold it each round. >You have to win 3 rounds to win the match >Draws don't happen. On Objective A and B maps: >There are two objectives that must be captured >If both teams capture both objectives they will enter the tiebreaker. >teams will then try to capture the points again, or capture the most of the point. The whole 33% rule. >Draws are common Competitive also has rankings. This will also be the players you play with in matches. The ranks are: [quote]Bronze (lowest tier) Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master Grandmaster Top 500 (highest ranked players in your country)[/quote] Players who place will receive competitive points for winning matches and what tier they're in when the Season is over. These points are uses to buy Golden Weapons for your characters. [quote]2. What are the gamemodes?[/quote] The game modes are as mentioned above. In the comp section. The game section called Arcade is where you find: [quote]Custom games- Game modes created by players for fun with different rules. If you want to play a game of only Pharahs with their ability cool down set to 0. You can. Want to play a match where everyone is moving really fast and their ultimate have no cooldown? You can play that too. You can create your own, or find a mode you'll enjoy. Sadly, everyone finds great humor in [i]Daddy Rein chases his little torblets [/i], role-playing, and "If I like your skin you will go to the castle." Generally it's just a place for your mind to run wild. You won't often find matches of i described. 1v1- This is a game mode where you will be put against a random player. You cannot choose your own character and will fight for 5 rounds of random characters on EcoPoint Antarctica. 3v3- This is the same as 1v1 but with more people. You are allowed to chose whatever character you want. To win you have to win 3 rounds by eliminating the enemy team. This also takes place of EcoPoint Antarctica. 6v6 no limits- This game mode is all the modes from quick play but without character limits. This is the game mode where you can have multiple of the same character. Want to run 6 lucios? Go ahead. Mystery Heros- This game mode is like 6v6 no limits but you do not get to select your character and upon death you will change. 6v6 capture the flag- This game mode is just quick play capture the flag. First to capture the flag 3 times win.[/quote] Arcade is also where seasonal/holiday event game modes are located. These game modes include lucio ball, Dr Junkenstein's revenge, Mei's snowball offensive, Uprising, and Capture the flag before it became a permanent game mode. Players can earn lootboxes in arcade by winning 9 matches a week. Usual reset is Monday. [quote]3. How to progress in game and what are rewards?[/quote] There's no progress by story. The only progress through the game is by leveling up by completing matches. Each level earns you a loot box. Inside loot boxes are items you can use to personalize your characters. These include: >Highlight intros >Skins >Voice Lines >Emotes >Sprays >Victory Poses New items come out with every loot box during events for a limited time. But blizzard has often hinted at them being available again if you missed a skin or being able to trade skins with other players. [quote]4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI?[/quote] You are able to play with AI bots on three different difficulties in Player Vs AI game mode. I am unsure but I do believe you can do Al vs AI and spectate them [quote]5. How to best combine teams?[/quote] The game generally recommends 2 support, 2 dps, a tank and defense character or 2 tanks. Every character has their own abilities that make them good for certain situations. If you have 5 teammates who can self heal, you won't need a support that is mainly healing. Using a character like Lucio or Zenyatta will allow you to get out the most dps and healing for your team. There are also different kinds of combinations such as Dive Comp, 5 support comp, 3 tank comp, dps comp, and more that work efficiently. Generally there is a meta, but the most balance team is the recommendation I gave before. [quote][spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler] It's a hit or miss for most people since they mainly focus on Widow, Tracer, Mercy, and Mei. But personally, Pharmercy is the best since mercy is bae.[/quote]

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    3 отв.
    • 1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play? Competitive has an additional round and should be taken seriously, as your skill rating is on the line with each match 2. What are the gamemodes? Quick play (2 capture points, payload, hybrid, control) Competitive (all those modes with an additional round, where you play for skill rating) Arcade modes (modes just for fun) 3. How to progress in game and what are rewards? At the end of a match you get exp. With enough exp you gain an Lv. Each Lv increase gives you a loot box. Loot boxes contain cosmetic items for heroes. Or they give you currency with which to buy those cosmetics. 4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI? PvP: check PvAI: check AIvAI: check, but only in custom games (not sure why you'd do it anyway) 5. How to best combine teams? You mean what's a good team composition? That you can only learn with experience. Too much to write down. Thanks for all your anwers! Np [spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler] No idea. Never looked, never will.

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      • [quote]1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play?[/quote] Competitive involves the teams switching between attacking and defending (if applicable), trying to outdo the enemy's efforts on the opposite role. Matchmaking is more focused on skill levels and ranks (earned by playing 10 competitive matches) and teammates cannot be replaced mid-match in competitive. Quick play matches involve just one round of a game mode, don't follow a ranking system, and will matchmake a replacement player should one quit or lose connection. [quote]2. What are the gamemodes?[/quote] There are three primary modes that are available in Quickplay, Competitive, Mystery Heroes, No Limits, and Vs AI: -Payload: One team escorts a payload from one point to another, the other tries to stop them within a time limit. If the payload reaches a checkpoint, time is added for the attackers to complete their mission. If the payload does not have any escorts, it will start to back up to it's last checkpoint. -Capture: One team tries to take control points while the other team defends these points within a time limit. There are two points in total, and one must be taken before the other can be unlocked. If the first point is taken, the attackers receive additional time. -Control Point: Basically King of the Hill. Both sides fight over a single point that they will try and hold until they fill a progress thingy to 100%. Once that happens, the team holding the control point gets a score point and then both sides are moved to a different portion of the map to repeat the process. First to the designated victory score wins. That being said, there are few other modes in the Arcade: -1v1 Elimination: You face off against one other person in a best of 5 duel to the death. Thing is, each round involves you both playing one of the heroes at random. -3v3 Elimination: You and two other people make a tram to face against another three people in a single elimination deathmatch. First team to win three rounds wins the match. -Capture the Flag: both teams have a flag by their spawn, first team to take three of the enemy flags to their (untaken) flag will win. If time runs out before then, the victory will be handed off to the team will the most stolen flags. [quote]3. How to progress in game and what are rewards?[/quote] As you play, you earn experience, which levels you up. Leveling up to a certain amount will unlock competitive and different portrait borders. Every 100 levels gives you a new tier of portraits. Arguably more important is the fact that you get a loot box every time you level up. Loot boxes contain skins, voice lines, sprays, emblems, emotes, and credits to spend on skins, voice lines, sprays, and emotes. In competitive, you can rise through the ranks, but you also get competitive points for every match you play. For every 3000 points you get, you can buy a golden weapons skin set for one of your heroes. [quote]4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI?[/quote] The game is built around PvP, has PvAI modes, and you can probably make an AIvAI match in custom games. [quote]5. How to best combine teams?[/quote] Depends on the modes, maps, and enemy team compositions. For the most part, you'll want at least one tank and healer. The rest is probably something to discuss with your team. [quote][spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]Well, there's certainly a lot of it, so there's probably something for you to enjoy.[/spoiler]

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        2 отв.
        • I have a question. Why did you waste your money on that game?

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          1 ответ
          • [quote]So, my friend bought me Overwatch for my birthday and I know its pretty cool game but I am confused about some things and am turning on you veterans. 1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play? 2. What are the gamemodes? 3. How to progress in game and what are rewards? 4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI? 5. How to best combine teams? Thanks for all your anwers! [spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler][/quote] 1. Competitive is essentially ranked, you're given a rank ranging from 1-5000 after completing your first ten matches, and afterwards are matched with and against players of similar ranking as you try to move up the ladder. Quick play is just an unranked playlist for the standard playlists and maps. 2. Payload: You and your team escort a moving objective through the map as the enemy team try to stop your advance Capture point: The attacking team tries to take control of two successive points on the map Control point: Essentially team-based king of the hill; central objective, both teams try to take control of it. Hybrid assault/escort: Combination of assault and payload Various arcade modes: Includes 1v1, 3v3 etc. 3. Just play. Literally anything you do will give you XP, and as you level up, you'll be rewarded with lootboxes which give you a variety of cosmetic items. 4. There is a designated PvAI mode with three difficulty levels. AIvAI can be created via a custom match. PvP is everything else other than those two options. 5. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, but I'm assuming you're asking about team composition. Standard team composition is 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 DPS, you can deviate from that slightly depending on the situation. 6. Absolutely. I recommend checking out the Mercy and Widowmaker stuff.

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            6 отв.
            • [quote] [spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler][/quote] Absolutely

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            • Изменено (gregman): 5/14/2017 7:39:20 PM
              1. Quick Play is unranked, Competitive is ranked. 2. There's Assault, Escort, Hybrid between those last two and King Of The Hill. 3. You get a lootbox every level-up, and rewards at the end of a competitive season, depending on where you were ranked. 4. You can play regular Quick Play and Competitive, those are PvP, Versus AI is PvAI. 5. You usually want a balance of DPS (offense and defense), Tanks and Healers.

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              3 отв.
              • There's a Traing mode that you can use to help familiarize yourself with all the characters.

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