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Изменено (CommisarScar): 5/14/2017 2:55:36 AM

House of Scar and Light's Champion Announcement

I think I have been caught with my pants down on this one. If you haven't noticed, House of Scar and Light's Champion, two series' that I have created, have been low on chapters. I literally have one chapter for Light's Champion, and the House of Scar has a substantial amount of episodes, but I haven't been active with it. But why? Well, it seems that I have succumb to the "petty distractions of the flesh" as Eris Morn would tell me. To fix this problem, I am getting a co-writer to help me, and he goes by the username "Archon of Scar". He will help write some "House of Scar" chapters. Big shoutout to him since he made up the antagonist, Vrayth, in my House of Scar series. I will solely try to work on "The Light's Champion". A chapter for each should hopefully be out in the week to come. Sorry for the inconvenience. Here is a link to the House of Scar [url=]Table of Contents[/url], and here is a link to the [url=]Light's Champion, Ch. 1: A Warrior Rises[/url]. Again, sorry for my lateness.

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