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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/17/2015 8:39:28 PM

Ghost and his scannable objects (looking for info)

This is something I'm always looking for. Scannable objects. Even if the small dialogue means nothing I want to hear it and know about it. Story is always first for me. I was wondering if anyone has compiled a list of who/what/where/when things can be scanned. I always seem to miss them for some reason and I have not found any re-playing the story on hard (to bond with Nolanbot). Are they only in TTK areas? If so I'll just have to pay close attention for the ghost thing even though I almost always miss it. I've also only done the first mission. The tower quest chains have been keeping me busy. Cheers. I hope I'm not the only one interested in this stuff!

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