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3/13/2017 4:07:26 AM

Exotic Class Items: I think I figured something out

So as many people I'm sure are aware of, the exotic class item spawn animations have been broken for quite some time now. I think i found out part of the problem. I was shifting some gear around between my Titan and my Warlock, more specifically I was moving artifacts. Even more specifically a couple Memories of Jolder. I temporarily put on a Kabr's Pocket Watch (Blue Rarity Artifact) on my Titan while I was moving these around. When I spawned back in on my Titan the spawn animation worked, but as soon as I put on the Memory, it stopped working. I tried out a few of the other memories and it worked with none of them, only with the blue rarity artifact. I had no legendary artifacts that weren't Iron Lord memories so I couldn't test those out but clearly the broken animations have something to do with these artifacts specifically. Maybe the devs were thinking of adding spawn animations with these artifacts but didn't implement them for some reason but a piece of coding is still there breaking the animation. Bungie if you're reading this please look into these issues. People worked hard to earn these class items, its only fair the effort get put in so people get what they worked for

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