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Изменено (SlightlyLethal): 3/9/2017 12:37:52 AM

Sticky Grenades

Just curious what the Bungie community thinks of Sticky Grenades. Personally, I think they suck and shouldn't be a part of the game. They are the ultimate noob weapon that gets abused all the time. I constantly get the beat on someone in a gunfight who just before they die throws up a prayer and gets the kill. If not that scenario, then you get the clown who pops around a corner, throws the stick and runs for life. They are cancer to the game and should either not stick, or not be one shot kills.

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  • Изменено ([SiN]大き氷): 4/6/2017 2:02:24 PM
    I don't think they need to track, didn't need it in halo shouldn't need it here. The only reason I can think it does track is because of the AI they are made to combat. To a smaller extent the mobility players in PvP have as well. Regardless it is a terribly forgiving thing in PvP for a generous reward and for that it should be dealt with. Grenades in general suffer form this. As for the sticky make them not track and if necessary just increase their damage to compensate for that loss. Be that by a flat number increase or blast radius. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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