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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:The Ashen Conflux
Изменено (Parallax3601): 3/2/2017 7:15:03 AM

Arguments and Discussion Regarding the Traveller

Hello! I'd like to dedicate this thread to discussing the controversy of the Traveller, or rather, people's opinions on the Traveller. Obviously this is a hot topic among the community, but with no simple answer. You cant just say "The Traveller is secretly evil!" or "No way dude!" and be done with it -- I believe that Bungie has provided us enough legitimate information to consider many sides. So what do you think? What's the Traveller's end-game? Does the Traveller represents a positive, negative, or neutral force? What do you believe, and most importantly [b]why?[/b] Explanation is critical -- otherwise all you are doing is spouting an opinion with no real foundation. Bonus points for using actual evidence ;) I encourage you to consider what we know from in-lore Guardian's who have in one way or another rejected the Traveller -- were talking Toland, Eris, Dredgen, Osiris, all that good stuff. I plan on reviewing the claims made by anti-Traveller-ers, and producing counterarguments to support a short paper I'm developing on this topic :D Thank you, and fair winds, Parallax

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