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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Nathan Wrath): 2/22/2017 7:45:41 PM

Blade Dancer Seriously needs a PvE Buff

Buff as long as the buff is limited to PvE use


Buff for both PvE and PvP


I don't believe it requires a buff for PvE


Who uses blade dancer normally in PvE? I LOVE ❤️Blade dancer 💕 , and I would love to see it buffed in PvE... duration, power, orbs creation, overall buff. If you agree, then please bump . If you don't please comment and explain why. It's important for Bungie to realize they need to think of separating PvE and PvP, not only for PvPers but PvEers alike...

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