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Изменено (Kell of Kellogs): 2/11/2017 5:51:21 AM

Need help regaining old Profile

Ever since last year when I accidentally unlinked both my PSN and Xbox Live accounts from my original account here:, I've been unable to regain access to it. The problem being that I created the account 7 years ago using the Google Sign-in feature that they ambiguously scrapped, so when I attempted to login using my Xbox and PSN account the site told me to create a new account. I later caved in and did, but immediately went here to the help topics to seek out help regaining my account; but even when a year passed no one responded or PM to try and help. Is there an email I can contact or a process I can go through? I want my old account back again, if they need to send some sort of verification code to my email from my original google account on the site I'd be happy to check my email to access the account again. I just don't like leaving ghost accounts on any-site and creating this account felt like a duplicate and unnecessary.

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