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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Jet The Pirate): 2/6/2017 1:19:45 AM

Leaked patch notes?!?!

So... yeah, found this. Dont know what to think.. Shot package returning? Hakke pulse buff? Bloom fix? No more high cal? • Increased damage of Hard Light's bullets in Richochet by 12.5% Pulse Rifles • Decreased damage per bullet of highest Rate-of Fire Pulse Rifles such as Grasp of Malok by 4% • High Caliber Rounds have now been removed from the pool of possible perks to roll on eligible Pulse Rifles. This does not affect the existing selection of perks availablr in the slot of Appended Mag, Casker Mag, and Feather Mag. • Hakke Pulse Rifle's 4th bullet fired in a burst will now do additional base damage of 12.5% Hand Cannons • Bloon is now directly tied to the range stat of a Hand Cannon than as a general stat as Accuracy. This will reduce the frustrating result of bullets not hitting the intended area. • Hand Cannon damage drop off has been decreased by 12.5% • Exotic Hand Cannons have been reworked to emphasize a unique flavor of combat. See Exotic/Legendary Weapons selection. Shotguns • Base range of Shotguns in the Matador 64 archetype is now slightly lower to orevent a power surge with the newly reworked "Shot Package" perk by 5% • See crucible section Discuss.

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