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1/27/2017 11:28:31 PM

The Hunter (A mini poem for my Hunter) ;w;

I am the Hunter Sylvan Maar. The Arc-slinger The Marvelous Blade The Seventh Paladin of the Queen, Call me what you may, Fear me if you wish. I do not care. I am the Guardian who slew a Time-God, The one who went forth to strike down the barer of the Dark Sword, Then Ascended into Godhood to slay his father, Not once, But twice. I earned my place beside the Queen I avenged her, I am her loyal sword, Her Champion. I tracked down the traitorous Kell Then took his head. My Ghost is my witness. My blades have tasted the Light of Guardians and Darkness alike. I am infinitely charming, just as cunning, And exceptionally lethal. I bare the sword Bolt Caster Hear her thunderous cry. The piercing shot of Zen Meteor A mind focused down to a single deadly point. And by my side First Curse, my Rose When Death becomes an afterthought, For I am Immortal.

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