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Изменено (DMGRGN): 11/13/2016 5:22:35 PM


The joke isn't funny anymore. Your ninjas forum banned my primary posting account for the 4th time in two months because i called out a guy who was using "autistic" as an insult. His post is still there. Are you telling me it's acceptable to insult someone by calling them autistic? It's insensitive, and your ninjas should feel f*cking ashamed of themselves. Not to mention all the posts that are still up that say "such and such is aids". Do you think that's funny? It isn't. You have repeatedly banned my primary account because of "Disruption" when NONE of my posts have been disruptive. Your ninjas are bigoted and out of line and it's a joke that is not funny anymore. My account needs unbanned and this poor behavior on Bungie's end as far as moderation goes needs to improve. The joke is NOT FUNNY ANYMORE.

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