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Участие в случайно выбранном обсуждении.
7/17/2015 6:38:10 AM

My sister is a feminist, here is my recent encounter with her.

I barely made it out alive. I brougt up feminists and how they are stupid, i then explained a true story i had heard about a guy who got accused of -blam!- some girl, that girl carried around a matress, anyway, the guy was prooven innocent and i explained how he was still bashed on by feminists and the girl even after he was prooven innocent, i then asked "If feminism is about equality, then how and why the hell where those feminists bashing that man even when he was prooven innocent?" she then brought up my brother (Who if you dont know, she accused him of -blam!- and pretty much ruined his life, he is deaf and he went to jail for a week and now is labeled a sex offender) And she said "(jnsert brothers name here) was innocent, according to the courts" Now tell me, if he was innocent why was he sent to jail for a week, i was told that he plead not-guilty a long time ago. anyways, it went on and on and she asked me how it felt to be in the group that would be laughed at in 50 years, i then replied "Perhaps i am in the group that would be laughed at in 50 years, maybe 75, but perhaps in 100 or more, the group that is laughed at is yours, everything has a weakness." she claims "I need feminism because i dont feel safe around men" please, discuss about my male scum problems, and how opressive i am.

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  • As a feminist, I'm definitely exposed to its community. And I can tell you that people often jump to very ridiculous conclusions. For instance, I heard that some women found it offensive when men held the door for them. That's not offensive. R*pe is a serious topic. Unfortunately women who falsely accuse actually hurt the chances for actual victims to see their harassers put away. Let's also not forget that in the heat of things, especially violent attacks, it can be hard to get a good look at your attacker. Regardless, hating men is NOT what feminism is about. Radical feminists and misandrists poison the community and label themselves feminists. Real feminism has to be about complete and total equality. Meaning male and female domestic violence and r*pe victims receive justice, equal pay in all fields of work and equal opportunities (men should be hired and female-dominating jobs if they want to be as well), having the draft include all genders etc. It can't be about making things easier for women. It has to be about making things completely equal, even if it doesn't necessarily provide benefit for women.

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