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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/16/2016 2:01:09 PM

Give Us the Option to Use Legendary Marks to Buy Items That Require Silver

I've been sitting on 200 legendary marks for who-knows-how-long. I've bought most of the recommended vendor weapons. I'm stocked on planetary materials for a very long time. I even hesitate dismantling legendary stuff because I want to reap the marks that come out of it, so my inventory can fill up pretty fast. However one thing's for sure: I want to buy the items that cost silver. But I don't want to spend money for a sliver of a sliver of a chance to get something I want. Especially that new dawning armor. At least if I spend legendary marks, I wouldn't feel bad about spending them. I wouldn't mind if the cost of the silver items was 150-200 legendary marks. It would give me a bigger incentive to keep playing the game. Right now, I'm just finding a reason to want to play.

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