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Изменено (KrayZSamurai): 12/13/2016 1:59:38 AM


I think that doing giveaways on gaming channels to get new subscribers is rather lazy and cheap. Like, I earned my 102 subscribers fair and square - no giveaways or anything. Granted, on my theory videos I asked the artists if I could use their art and they all wanted links to the video, so that could help with view and subscriber count, but that's why I try to keep said theory videos to a minimum. If someone says they're gonna give away a $50 or $100 gift card for ANY sort of online store or shop (amazon, EB, Xbox) or a code, but you have to subscribe to their channel to be entered into it, that's kind of a cheap way to get subscribers. And what's worse is that they never have a picture of said card to prove they're being legit so you never know if there really is a giveaway. Like, c'mon, just practically buying your subscribers is the worst way to build up your YouTube channel.

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