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12/6/2016 6:39:51 PM

IM ban :(

soy de mexico y estoy baneado hace mas de un mes por mala conexión lo peor es que no m explican un motivo correcto para no poder jugar estandarte de hierro es muy injusto esta atención que tiene bungie con el cliente final lo cual no es capaz de madarte un correo explicando el motivo ni el tiempo

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  • Hey there, In Destiny, there are 2 ways Bungie addresses Users that show misconduct. This is through Account Bans and Restrictions. Account Restrictions are temporary, while Bans are permanent. [b]Bungie does not discuss or dispute either of them.[/b] If you're questioning a Account Ban or Restriction, the link below could be the answer as to why you were banned or restricted. Please keep in mind that [u]Poor or Unstable Internet Connection does qualify for a Restriction or even Ban in serious instances.[/u] Please note that action will not be taken against an account based off reports alone. Bungie's security response team obtains proof of misdeeds. All relevant information can be found here: Hope this helps! [spoiler][i]Death is not The Sickness unto death. ~ Soren Kierkegaard[/i][/spoiler]

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