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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/15/2016 1:24:28 PM

The Clever Dragon Review (Both Written and Video)

The Clever Dragon, specifically the one that is obtained from Lady Efrideet in this Iron Banner, is extremely powerful and stable. With the upgrades counterbalance, perfect balance, and snapshot equipped, the gun has only a slight vertical recoil that can easily be controlled to achieve fast and precise kills. This gun rivals the vendor Hawksaw as being the best pulse rifle out there. They both are fast firing and awesomely stable and can offer a one second kill if three bursts are all precision shots. In summary, The Clever Dragon has a very, very nice amount of stability, the fire rate that is perfect for PvP, the roll of the gods, and a kill time that is equivalent to driving a truck at 90 mph right into a guardian. I hope you enjoyed the written portion of this review and if you would like to see gameplay and a (somewhat joking) review of the gun the link is below. Thank you for reading and thank you for giving my review a chance. Have a great day!

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