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Изменено (Porcratus): 11/9/2016 8:43:46 PM

PS4/Crota's End Normal/Timur Relic Required

As part of my search of tactics with [url=]GuardianRnD[/url] I've become interested in wide scale usage of Timur's unique powers. His Demon's must've truly haunted him. With the Memory of Timur is equipped you can Hold any 2 Redbar Minion of Darkness. For 30 seconds a Wizard and an Orgre can fight for you. Thralls, Acolytes and even Cursed Thalls can bend to our will. The requirement is to have a Minion at all time. 2 if possible. We will use our power to Take to crush Crota and his Army. Spec Strength and Fast Melees as I document our progress and update it here. [i]Fireteam[/i] [b][u]Timur's Demon's[/u][/b] Porcratus: Sunsinger Please Post PSN and you're availability if you are interested. I'm curious to see what will happen.

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