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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/4/2016 5:26:02 AM

Worst Trials Idea ever Bungie

Bungie! WTF were you thinking....???? Your breaking something that's not broken by doing changes in trials of Osiris. I know there are alot of cheaters out there messing up the trials but don't make it easier for everyone by removing radars and revives. I don't care about the revives because that benefits a player like me I'll take that everyday because I will 1v3 every round. Leave the radar alone and stop making trials easier. I say remove the boons make trials more harder more rewarding. Any changes your thinking about doing to look for cheaters or see how people like it , DO IT ON ELIMINATION!!!!! Don't ruin the only good thing going for pvp. Fix your bugs in trials. Halo 3 didn't have this many issues Here is a idea - extend your flawless to 20-0 same boons give an option to turn a 9-0 card for a nice reward but can risk it all and possibly lose to get nothing if chosen to keep playing and players who make it 20-0 give them something awesome make it worth it but leave the boons alone. Breaking hearts at 15-1 make 20-0 impossible to reach Thanks - Trials of Osiris

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