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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Dat Boy CK 843): 11/1/2016 4:34:13 PM

FCC & Internet Crimes Complaint

Bungie, Based on the lack of action, you have made it abundantly clear that protecting the names of cheaters is more important than actually banning them. I'm sure you are aware that network manipulation by IP flooding, Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service is illegal. It is a felony crime and an FCC violation. You are in a unique situation because you actually have Gamertags to associate the offending party. What you probably were unaware of, is the additional liability you assume by not taking action on reports and complaints. Those who are fed up can simply file an FCC complain. Name Bungie as a party who refuses to do anything to prevent and/or punish offenders. Although Bungie is not a communication company, they are an intermediary with information about offenders. This is not a post to take down Bungie. You've made a great game but you have fallen short on protecting the people who are denied the right to use the product they have paid for. FCC complaints will surely put Bungie in the hot seat. Sometimes companies forget their responsibilities when money is not involved. Make them remember. Also report to:

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