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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/29/2016 6:34:51 AM

Exotic class item faction quest bug

Having a problem finishing or completing the exotic quest for your faction and no progress is being made? The problem seems to be that the quest isn't making any movement or progress could be the fact that a year 2 (taken king) class item is needed to progress in the quest. I have not tried this myself, but other sources have said to have had the same problem and this seems to work for them. The only problem is I know NO source or content to provide a year 2 (taken king) class item as of this moment. One good and only possible source for this item could be the "CHROMA" faction package reward given to the player after a rank up in the faction. If this happen help you, please notify anyone having this problem. *there could be other ways to get a taken king class item* (In the end, just try wearing a taken king class item.)

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