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впервые опубликовано в: Bungie should allow players to keep their statistics private
Изменено (GrundleBeans): 10/28/2016 8:56:31 PM
[quote]Despite this, some asshole has decided to look up his stats and proceed to tell him how terrible of a player he is, and imply that she had a good laugh at his expense. Is that in any way appropriate? F*ck no! This kind of behavior has got to f*cking stop![/quote] We have a report and mute system for [i]exactly[/i] this kind of thing. Use it. You can also hide your own profile if you don't want somebody looking up your activity. If someone says something you don't like, mute them. If you can't get over it, then you just have a thin skin/social mingling issues and should probably restrict interacting with other people or work to better handle such situations. If you do nothing at all but just sit there seething about what somebody said about somebody else, then you're imagining a problem in your own head.

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