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Изменено (SancusXenon): 10/17/2016 10:45:27 AM

Sniper flinch

The sniper flinch change is completely ridiculous. Yes, it was needed, but definitely not to this extent. Who remembers back when people wanted Mida to loose High caliber rounds as an intrinsic perk? Anyone remember WHY we wanted it removed? Because it made sniping a bitch. What your recent sniper flinch change has done, BUNGIE, is essentially give EVERY SINGLE GUN high caliber rounds from the point of view of a sniper. INCLUDING every gun the enemies in PvE use as well. And because of this, sniping in PvE is unbearable and PvP has turned into a giant clusterf*ck of shotgun rushers. Reduce the flinch so snipers can actually be used. And before people start saying "you're just mad you lost your crutch", no. No I have not. Because I can't snipe that well in PvP and have been trying to actually get good. But now there's just no point in even trying.

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