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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Satanic Mechanic): 10/13/2016 4:29:41 PM

Class items tied to race and or weapons maybe more???

so if you look on my titan i have a mark called "mark of contention" which reads [quote]The mighty Thalor was invincible in the Crucible - until Dredgen Yor, and his Thorn[/quote] i got this mark last night while i had thorn equipped... Odd??? maybe just a coincidence??? could be... But if you look on my warlock I got a bond last week from the chest Saber strike that is called "Computable Secrets" with text that reads... [quote]Exo warlocks take particular interest in the physics of Light, seeing analogy to their own origins[/quote] I found this funny since my warlock in an exo... so my questions are... Can you only get these if your a titan using thorn or an exo warlock??? Are there others such as a hunter cape while using thorn or bad juju ect ect??? Have any of you gotten these using a different gun and or as a different race??? Have you gotten any class items with text that just seems to match YOU at the time???

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