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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Jcaf8): 10/10/2016 5:13:41 PM

What is 'Destiny Lore' to you?

Don't care for it, just want to shoot some Aliens


I read a bit of the grimoire, but never really got into it


I read a lot of it but I never wrote theories or any John


I wrote some theories and read it but I'm not crazy about it


I'm in lore clans and love the stuff


Simple question, wondering after a large absence of this forum where the community is in terms of lore and the hidden story of destiny. Honestly I think a lot of it is read into too much by theories, while some of it is clearly a hidden story some of it is just the Devs trying to make something up that sounds interesting enough. Note:somehow the word "thing" turned into John. Polls can't be edited so I can't fix that.

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