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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/28/2016 8:47:05 PM

Destiny Riddle

So i did these Riddles in Y1 like everyday. So if u don't know what this is about here is a quick explanation. I will write a Text that has something to do with a certain gun/armor piece, person in Destiny etc. So i hope you enjoy it! Also Hints will be released at certain Points aswell. "[b][i][u]Am i the second or third? Maybe the end of something is actually the beginning of something new?No one expected this yet everyone wanted it. Final. Absolute. Fatal. Why are they laughing at him? He is not ready. He wields somethinf so powerful but uses it like a childs plaything is this why the Guardians were able to kill him? He was a puppet. He did what he was told to. [/u][/i][/b] So of course you can guess as many times as you want to and dont forget to check the grimoire it will help alot! [u]Good Luck![/u]

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