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9/27/2016 5:38:35 AM

Didn't receive Vigilamus Noctu emblem after participating in Owl Sector ARG

I've been trying everything possible for the past week to obtain my Vigilamus Noctu emblem, but haven't had any luck. Before Rise of Iron dropped I made it my goal to "contract" all 5 of the viruses that were being tracked by Owl Sector (Brilliance 3.2, Glory 2.1, Splendor 2.6, Magnificence 2.0 and Fortitude 3.1) knowing that there would be some sort of reward for doing so. I hoped into a private match with some of my buddies who already had the 5 viruses and used the methods to go about obtaining them for myself. After a few attempts I ended up getting them all. Fast forward to the launch of Rise of Iron and lo and beholds, nothing is in my postmaster. Initially I thought there wasn't any reward but then I went into the Crucible and saw a bunch of players with an emblem that looked like the symbol on the Owl Sector website. I did my research and found out that players who got all 5 of the viruses during the event qualified to obtain this emblem. What I didn't understand, and still don't understand, is why I didn't receive mine. I made sure that I got all 5 viruses before Rise of Iron was released so what gives? I've contacted Playstation support about this situation, as well as the trouble I was having to receive my pre-order bonuses, and they told me to contact Bungie about the emblem. The problem is that Bungie doesn't have a contact us page so I don't know what to do. I was hoping you guys could give some ideas as to what I should do. Anything would be greatly appreciated. PSN: Christophisis

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