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9/26/2016 8:20:49 PM

Traveler Police Department

So.. (looks at watch showing 4:20) I see that you are looking for a clan. Well what you want a serious competitive clan? No? Hmm how about a clan that all its members are never online? Still no? (Snaps fingers) I got it you wanna join a clan that has fun people that play often and help each other out while still having a good time? Hell yea I knew it. Alright well I got the clan for you. TravelerPoliceDepartment. When you join us you will have brothers and sisters that got your back when they are on duty or off duty if you try and reach out. We consist of pvp, pve, raids, and strikes. When you become an officer of the traveler we will give you a sidearm, standard issue of course, we will set you up in your division depending on your skills "class" and I'll even throw in this chocolate shaped badge.... don't eat it....I think it expired. So what you say wanna be a cop? Msg MrBombD if Interested

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