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9/26/2016 5:17:17 PM

Clan Feedback after 1 week of game play

I represent the 101st Lightborne Clan whose members have been playing pretty much non-stop since “Rise of Iron” dropped last Tuesday. My comments are representative of our combined experiences and concerns. First off let me say that we thoroughly enjoyed the new DLC and the Raid is amazing. The level of graphical detail is phenomenal and the game play is exciting; challenging but not overly challenging if you have good communication. There are a couple of areas that we would like to address and hopefully Bungie will consider for improvement. 1. Drop rates for Skeleton Keys and Siva Offerings are abysmally low. We have members that have grinded Siva Crisis Heroics for hours and never receive a Skeleton Key or Siva Offering. We realize that RNG is in play and some people have better luck than others however, 7 hours of grind and no key is a bit much; even for dedicated players. 2. The Forge is exhilarating however from our experiences it always seems to be empty. I myself have spent over an hour waiting for someone to show up and no one ever does. You would think that with hundreds of thousands of players online I would see someone else in the Forge. 3. Related to #1: Since it appears that Artifact upgrades are found in loot chests and loot chests require a Skeleton Key, some of our Clan members are light level stuck. All-in-All the 101st Lightborne Clan is very satisfied with “Rise of Iron” and continues to look forward to all the upcoming events.

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