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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/26/2016 1:21:48 AM

I don't like RNG. Bungie please read.

Not a rant, just here me out. So, you know how you're supposed to be rewarded after you put in the hours right? Well, some say I have been rewarded. 4 Longbows and 5 LDRs are evidence of my luck. But, there is something that has caused me to "not like RNG". Yes I have 9 of the most sought out snipers. 150 ranks will do that. But I don't have a SINGLE Year 2 Two to the Morgue. I know half of the people on here have one, you don't need to shove your God rolls in my face, but that gun is all I want. It means a lot to me. Like a hell of a lot. It's very close to my heart, and without it I would have quit the game back when I was trying to do the Thorn Bounty. That gun is literally my world and I adore it. Without it, I would feel empty. And not having it is just... wrong... It's safe to say I'd never stop until I got it. But after 150 ranks, I'm really losing hope that I'll ever get it. I know Bungie never gives people guns in any case, but I just needed to express my frustration. Please don't make fun of my situation, 300+ hours of work to get none of what I want is really depressing at times. Anyway, thanks for reading of you got this far. I seriously hope you don't get into this position. ~Hero

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