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9/23/2016 7:01:35 PM

I Think Game Devs Should Draw Inspirations From Patience

Good ole Patience, also known as Solitaire to you north americans. The game that has stood the test of time. Solitaire is of German origin which probably has something to do with its longevity ( Those Germans really know how to build long lasting things!). The earilest known game of Solitaire was played in the late 18th century. It can be played competitively amongst multiple players or casually by yourself. It is the greatest known measuring stick of tactical percision the world has ever known. Make one wrong move and you have lost, just like War. Or make series of correct moves and you are on your way to victory. Game developers these days are popping out titles that last 1 maybe 2 years before players get bored and play something else. Maybe Devs should take a strong hard look at the game of solitaire to see what they need to do to make a video game stand the test of time

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