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Изменено (L10N QUE3N): 5/3/2017 3:43:48 PM

Anyone still needs black spindle, or any taken king specific exotic?

So, since I have carried over 84~ people to their black spindle, plus some more people for other specific quests, I was wondering how many of you guys still need anything taken king related or prior to ttk. And since I know that many of us would love to get their hands on specific quests such as refer a friend, I suggest leaving a message here with what you so desire to obtain. ED: Carriers who are willing to help can be added here with their psn/gt, and the console they play on Xbox: Myself (L10N QUE3N) Midlifejacoby (gt?) Imba FireHazord21 ceratedline8 Playstation: ? EDIT 2: how to solo Tips on how to solo it: depends on what you use. Warlocks stormcallers and titan sunbreakers with melting point and cauterize are amazing, hunters can be good too, they just don't work as good as the other two. From the very beginning of the mission up until you go to the Taniks elevator, YOU MUST NOT DIE (wipe), otherwise it'll lock you out of the taniks room. When you first enter the ketch, make sure you have a sword equipped (doesn't matter which one, however, Dark-drinker and Raze-lighter are best for shielded enemies), a sniper (or shotgun to take out the blights), and a lot, a bunch of lots of heavy ammo synths. Primary weapons are up to the player's choice. 3 of coins not necessary, just use it as you want. Once you hit the timer in the first room (same steps in all rooms except last). -Take out blights first. THEY ARE PRIORITY NO1! That is where you secondary weapon comes in handy. -Take out shielded or yellow enemies. Swords are the best for that. -kill the remaining adds, and pick up ammo on your way to the next room. Make sure everything, blights and adds are all dead. (for the last room with boss) Repeat the order of the two first rooms. -Blights. -shielded adds. -adds. -BOSS DPS X4 (swords are good) There will be 4 waves of adds depending on boss dps. Once you see them appearing, repeat previous order, until the last wave is completely down. Use super only on adds. Unless you are golden gun, then you can quickly drop the boss using celestial nighthawk and dead eye perk. Memory of Radegast can be useful for sword ammo Christmas update. I may do some runs in the next few days. For Christmas' sake. I will post them in the recruitement forum. Also, if anyone is willing to offer help and carries on any console, you can do the same, or post your gamertag/psn here so that people can contact you if I can't help. Happy holidays y'all! Edit: As of May 2017, I have a level decent enough to help you grind on ps4 as well, although I may not be on ps4 as often as my xbox1. My GT is L10N QUE3N My PSN is LightningShades.

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