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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/20/2016 3:45:03 AM

Option to Keep ORIGINAL color on EXOTICS and CLASS ITEMS

Calling all year one players and early year 2 players! Remember back when the Cloak of Taniks was permanently red and the Celestial Nighthawk was always gold? How about the titan's Armamentarium permanently being invisible or the warlock Obsidian Mind being black? I want to be able to rekindle those memories. Just as we now have ornaments, we should receive the option to not let the shaders affect our class items and exotics. I liked the way we were able to force different shaders on our guardians to match the beautiful stock color of the armor parts like the Feedback Fence or Dead Orbit class items. The fact that we don't have this option really pisses me off so any guardians wanna bump this suggestion?

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