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Изменено (VivaBauer007): 9/19/2016 4:04:28 PM

The Raven - Destiny Style

On a morning bleak and dreary I sat waiting, eyes quite bleary For the Iron to Rise up from The forbidden gaming Store I have space lice swirling twirling Round my head my hair its curling Buffing all gains for XP and factions I have edge-ed more. Playing matches, now they're private With my friend and n00b and clanmate Making rules like fusions only Customized like ne'er before Then I nodded nearly dropping My controller clearly stopping From the hours I spent playing Playing Iron Banner more Now my wife says "It's too early Have you slept? You seem quite surly! Sleeps essential for your life Your cough show's that your health is poor." I say, "Go to bed Lenore" "It is reaching seven thirty and you're smelling now quite dirty You have work in half an hour. Get your self out that front door!" Now at work I sit here typing And my boss is always griping That our quotas must be met They're harder than they were before We shall meet them Nevermore On the morrow I'll be playing Rise of Iron, SIVA slaying Fallen that will vex me like the Vex have not before I shall slay them evermore. (Thanks for reading. If you like it please give feedback over at Reddit too.)

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