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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/9/2016 11:05:10 AM

Great idea bungie! Pls read fully!

Bungie, I'm a bit unhappy about the sniper changes, and no I do not feel like I'm being a "cry baby" of any sort. I feel that other weapons have seen so much nerf in the past that it has made the sniper class, especially high impact, "to OP". Im actually not even going to say that you shouldn't have nerfed Snipers. Well maybe I would but that's not my point I'm just a sniper kinda guy. Snipers usually tend to snipe at longer ranges or even mid ranges correct? Rarely ever are they short distance weapons. And it's still pretty easy to counter a sniper... Use a shotgun! Well... how do you counter a shotgunner? Not as easily... You probably won't even know the person is shotgunning until they fire it off, unless you know what they look like after all those deaths by them. So what ties into knowing that your up against a sniper or not? Glare. What I'm proposing is, as well as the sniper having glare, we add shotgun glare. It wouldn't be so much of a glare as it would be a flashlight. Which would make it a tad more obvious that someone was coming at you with a shotty, and it could even project light onto walls so that it would be more obvious that someone was hiding/crouching around the corner waiting for you to walk by then BAM! I actually believe every secondary weapon should have a flashlight or glare. You guys wanted to make primarys more useful? Make it so everyone knows when a special weapon is in play. That would make things interesting.

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