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Изменено (Kell of Pasta): 7/12/2016 4:42:52 AM

Your first Lucid dream experience

Have you ever lucid dreamed? If yes, tell your first time. Here's mine. I kept saying to myself as I went to sleep "I'm going to lucid dream" over and over. I fell asleep, and I went through a normal day at school, in my lucid dream. Then, my alarm went off, and everything changed to my room. I saw myself sleeping in the bed. I tried to wake myself up (not my real self, the one sleeping in my dream) as it was the thing keeping me from awaking up. I then started screaming, and making my head bigger. It then got so big, and I screamed that much, that my self in the bed woke up, and screamed at me. I then, woke up. The worst part was, I could actually hear my alarm going off, but I couldn't wake up. It was like sleep paralysis, but I was already asleep. So, tell me your first lucid dream story! EDIT: People really love flying.. EDIT 2: 20+ Posts!

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