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8/24/2016 12:40:50 PM

Bug Report: Item lock status changed when removed from vault

This is kind of convoluted but I wanted to report the bug anyways. Yesterday, I was doing some vault management through the Gear Manager. I had unlocked several weapons in my vault to remind me to dismantle them when in game later that night (I lock almost all of my equipment for safe keeping). When I logged into the game, the weapons were still unlocked when I opened up my vault in game. I proceeded to pull the weapons out of the vault and store my current load out so I could work on dismantling things. While moving items back and forth from my vault, I noticed some of the weapons that were unlocked in my vault were once again locked in my inventory. The game did not prevent me for unlocking the weapons once again. However, it does concern me that there may be a bug which causes the lock state to change without user input. Unfortunately, I could not determine where the issue started. I don’t know if the bug came about because I was changing the lock states through the web. I don’t know if the issue was somehow related to the status of the items previously in my inventory. I was not able to intentionally duplicate the error, and it did not occur on every weapon, just a few. Also, I did not see the reverse where a locked item switched to an unlocked state when pulled out of the vault.

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