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Участие в случайно выбранном обсуждении.
8/23/2016 5:01:28 PM

Let's play "Scenes From a Hat"

Here's how it works. I'm going to list some scenarios and themes to start. You, the players, post your answers in the form of scenes. Players can post their own scenarios and respond to that post with their own scenes. I'll begin. 1. Things you can say about a tv show, but not your partner "Everything just keeps happening so fast..." "It's great but after 15 minutes it just goes on and on and on and on..." 2. Songs from the musical "bungie" 3. If cartoon characters starred in adult films "Be very very quiet..." 4. Unlikely scenes in kids TV Shows. "Welcome back kids. Before we start crafting make sure you have plenty of decongestant or cough medicine and lots of PVC pipes." Ready, set, let's make some stuff up.

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