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Изменено (Windows Spartan): 7/2/2016 10:07:41 PM

Inde Universum Chapter Index (DEAD)

Ay-o, everyone! This is the hub for all things Inde U! Follow the tales of a seasoned hunter, as he tells of all the wondrous Guardians he's met in his travels! If you have any ideas for new characters, leave them below using this template: [spoiler] Template McWhutface “Intro dialogue that gives brief glimpse of character.” Race: Age: Resurrection age [if applicable]: Height: Body Type: Personality: Nationality: Notable things they own: Weapons [if applicable]: Armor [if applicable]: Likes: Dislikes: Special Abilities [if applicable]: Old life [if applicable]: Things to note: Age limit is 300. Ressurection limit is 500. Please, have them make sense. You can use the quote feature on app that copy the template.[/spoiler] [quote]Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4, Part 1:[/quote]

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