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8/20/2016 5:16:36 PM

Join! Twitch Stream Dream Team [REAL] Recruiting

Greetings! With the incoming Rise of Iron update it seems that bungie is putting more emphasis on clans and clan building, so we at REAL decided that it is time to expand beyond our small group. We are a group of small-time streamers looking to be fierce and efficient when facing any obstacle. We are a very active group of individuals located in various time zones in the US and the UK. Some people frown upon requirements when joining clans but I think it is essential for some guidelines to be in Place in order for the clan to be successful: [u]PVE[/u] *Know ALL raids. *Know strategies for all strikes and raids. *Be willing to have fun while also adhering to the purpose of the activity. *Be patient, we will not always be successful the first time. *Have a grimoire score above 3750 [u]PVP[/u] *Know all maps (Year 1 and Year 2) *Work together and have general team mindset. *Be willing to take risks. *Be skilled. **For Trials of Osiris and ELO of at least 1500 is required. **High K/D doesn't always translate to high skill, know your strengths. *Have fun General Requirements *Have fun! :) *Don't rage quit *Have mic *Respect your fellow clan mates *Share voice on stream Don't forget to give me a follow on Twitch :)

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