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8/19/2016 7:27:35 PM

Destiny Lag In iron banner

This happens to me


Never happened to me


I am the lag GOD


So recently i decided to pick up destiny once more because I love the game. I really like most of the style as well as how the game feels and plays. But the thing that can destroy an entire game is the fact that it is based of internet connection and that connection is bad. I personally play on 60mb internet speed. Perfectly suited for gaming, even more so for a game like Destiny. But unfortunately when i went online to grind some iron banner i encountered a slight problem, LAG, now at first i taught it was me so i reset my internet and after about and hour i jumped back on. But the Lag was still there. So i reset my internet once more. And once again the lag was still there. First off is was the opposing team, few members had constant red bars and would be jumping around the map at the speed of lag and be dropping people left and right. But then I took a hit. I began to lagg and my green bar connection shot down to a red one. then after a few moments back up to green, and it would fluctuate during every match. I did think it was me starting off but its not. With me being the only one on the internet and everything running perfectly until i play Some pvp. I have discovered that Bungie needs to address the lag issues with there servers. Now this may not happen to everyone but i see it happen far to often for them not to take a better look and try to fix it. Comment if you think this should be addressed or if you have had this problem as well.

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