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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
8/13/2016 11:33:11 AM

Exotic versions of Stillpiercer, Immobius and Susanoo

So. We surely all know the the class exclusive legendaries by now, right? Stillpiercer, Immobius and Susanoo. So I was thinking it would be cool if we could get exotic versions of these. [b]These are just ideas and I will change the perks based on peoples opinion's[/b]. STILLPIERCER -Sight changed to shortgaze zoom -Third eye -Snapshot, Custom optics, Oiled frame. -When last man standing, gain increase to handling, RoF and stability. IMMOBIUS -Grave robber -Rifled barrel, field scout, smallbore. -Kills while buffed with any WoD Buff or force barrier grants ammo back to the magazine. SUSANOO -Element can be changed manually like murmur. All three elements grant different archetypes. -Grenadier -Braced frame, Hand laid stock, smallbore. -Kills with any ability that is the current element of the Susanoo grants significant bonus damage for 15 seconds. [spoiler]I tried to make all if these unique and powerful, but honestly Stillpiercer's new perk doesn't relate as much to the original perk as the other ones. I was thinking about seeing enemies highlighted through walls but that would be OP. Any ideas?[/spoiler]

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