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8/11/2016 5:09:28 PM

Destiny console future

Hi, so last christmas I bought an xbox 360 because I wanted to play with a friend who a month later switched to the ps4, and gave me destiny for free. Then i realised "SHIT, IM ON LAST GEN IMMA BE SO -blam!-ED WHEN DESTINY GOES NEXT GEN ONLY" because destiny has become the only game I play, a passion for the bungie and their games that has burned it's way into my heart. So now with xbox one (s and original) and now the reveal of project scorpio, I am left wondering, if i buy the xbox one (s or original) because its cheaper or do I buy the scorpio because it's last gen. The thing is that I haven't the slightest -blam!-ing clue whether the scorpio is next gen, or if the xbox one is still going to be next gen with the release of scorpio and there will be a new one. I do not want to be left in the dust again, because with the release or rise of iron coming up and bungie dropping last gen, a hole the size of the pacific ocean has been torn out of my heart and soul (I may sound spiritual, but trust me I'm not some -blam!-ing devout hippie christian god-worshipping restrained weirdo) I need to know if i can buy and xbox one (s and original) and stay next gen till the next xbox (2?) or if i have to wait till the scorpio comes out to stay in the cockpit of a saturn v just after launch, that will soon break up and leave last gen behind that is the console last gen and next gen legacy. So I would like to know if anyone has gotten on top of this issue? Now my rant about dropping last gen consoles. Bungie, what the -blam!- were you thinking when you decided to drop last gen? If you thought that keeping last gen on the already burning but still loveable cluster -blam!- trainwreck that is destiny would handicap the next gen player's experience, JUST -blam!-ING MAKE THE NEXT GEN GAME WITH GOOD GRAPHICS AND THE LAST GEN WITHOUT GOOD GRAPHICS. If last gen was still going, players on last gen would most likely buy the game because they didn't want to fork out a shitload of money on the next consoles, then you'd make money of both next gen AND last gen players, along with both generations buying later expansions! The average consumer will try to achieve what they want without spending as much money as possible, so if bungie was to profit off of next generations buying updates, then they'd profit off of last gen as well, THEENN maaaybe theyd be able to save their content void trainwreck that I have grown to love that is destiny and maaaayyybe it wiould still have something to constantly defend against my ever hive minded friends who whenever they hear large youtuber's opinions they immediately act specifically on that opinion like "PLAY STATION IS BETTER" No it -blam!-ing isn't both consoles have equally good selling points, push and pull factors and tiny technical differences that find different and ever changing ways to circumvent their ways into consumers minds. P.S please no hate comments or bandwagoning, just help and constructing critisism (my first rant, good or not?)

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  • I'm on PS4, but I will try to speak to your dilemma to the best of my knowledge. Project Scorpio will be releasing a higher powered (read: most powerful yet) console, however, with respect to the games, it will play in the same generation as the Xbox 1. If you want to play with the best graphics possible (4k, high fps) as well as have much more processing power within the console, then this is likely the best option for you. However, it will (likely) come at a higher price point, given that it is within the same generation as the One. Your tradeoff becomes, do I want the more powerful console, or do I want to save my money and make due with the less powerful, but still capable of running the same games, system. You will also want to consider what peripherals you are running with the console. Is your screen (TV or monitor) technically able to operate at the levels the scorpio will allow you to run? if not, you either have more expenses or won't see some of the benefits of the console. Regardless, the current page for scorpio outlines a holiday 2017 release, so if you want to be able to play rise of iron near/on release, then solely going with scorpio isn't an option. Picking a console-wise, the console used by a majority of my friends is a huge consideration. While it can be easy to meet people in the community, playing with people who you have built a relationship with is always a positive. If your friends have switched, it may be something to consider. Otherwise, whichever has your favourite exclusive games is probably your best bet. Finally, while it sucks that they are moving on from last generation, there are stated reasons why that are reasonable. They would have had to have taken away from the current game to make ROI function on the old generation. That creates problems with the parallel progress tracking, as now the game differs between the two generations. As well, Bungie would have to commit resources to build the last-gen version of the game; while it's not building a DLC from scratch, it still requires labour, and it was likely not worth the estimated revenue.

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