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Изменено (tesc22): 9/12/2016 7:39:19 PM

Separate PVP from PVE





I'm sick, why pve player have to suffer for all the nerf of pvp? All is based on pvp! Why they nerf vex? Why they made shotguns useless, nerf range finder (25% to 5%) and took of shot package? Why they nerf sunbreaker/ sunsinger ? Why the nerf special and heavy ammo capacity? Why they nerf thorn/ hawkmoon / last word (all hand cannons)? Why they nerf counterbalance? Why they nerf icebreaker? And why they nerf the doctrine? And all hrf autos? In pve legendaries became better than exotics Edit 1:Thank you for all your opinions , i m glad that a lot of people think the same Edit 2:Thanks to all for voting guys Edit 3: wow now they nerf also snipers, universal remote and thorn... Who's next? They nerfed also shoulder charge and mk.44, one of the most useless exotic

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