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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/14/2014 12:05:15 AM

Map Behind Login/Loading Screen

Has anyone else noticed what seems to be a map behind the character login and loading screens? The upper half looks remotely like Southeast Asia, and the lower half looks a bit like the right point of the African continent, but the rest of the lower half does not. I was thinking maybe it's a representation of Pangaea? What does everyone else think? Regardless of where it is an actual map of, I feel pretty strongly that it IS indeed a map. Cartography symbols on the lower right portion match up with the common symbol on ancient/older maps for mountains. If it IS a map, maybe I'm off track in thinking that it's even a map of EARTH at all. Destiny does span multiple planets, after all. Does anyone possess the ability to filter that image and enhance it so that we can see it better? That would be amazing. =)

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